5 ft x 8 ft Installation: Individually monoprinted hand cut acrylic lily pads & 1 plastic laser cut "Thank You, Have a Nice Day" plastic bag

5 ft x 8 ft : view with plastic bag


Detail with bag

Detail of largest lily pad

24 x 80 : screen print over tape relief

22 x 30 : emulsion blown out with water and compressed air hose

10 x 22 : Drawing enlarged from time hostessing - using the edges of menus, business cards and computer keyboards

10 x 22 : Drawing enlarged from time hostessing - using the edges of menus, business cards and computer keyboards (flipped)

11 x 30 : Silkscreen over Lithography

8 x 20

8 x 20

8 x 10

10 x 8

10 x 22 : using an old window screen from my house, I stenciled out parts with found paper. The "mesh" of the screen is so wide, leaving a screen texture on the paper.

15 x 22 : removed ink with palette knife to create detail while ink was wet

15 x 20

15 x 20

15 x 20