This piece was created for a silk screen class with Amze Emmons where the assignment was to use silkscreen to create an image or space that was 4 x 8 feet. I wanted to create an installation using acrylic to create a space you can walk through, while also being able to see through the medium to the other pieces within it. My Uncle guided me in created the lily shapes out of colored acrylic on his bandsaw with a circle jig. I enjoy the freedom and process of monoprint, so I created a matrix to expose by laying out tape and found paper on acetate (an experiment that worked out). The paper created distinct shapes and lines while the tape allowed for tonal lines and shapes - a chance procedure of texture. Once ready for printing, I printed two different patterns to distinguish a "top" and "bottom". I also had a plastic bag laser cut in our Digital Fabrication Studio here in Tyler. Hand drawing the text "Thank you - Have a Nice Day", I wanted to make a recognizable form in a suggested mass of nature (the lily pads). The final product of the piece ends up not being about a literal environment it suggests but the created environment.
While making this, I had the following ideas in mind...
What is more chaotic, nature or man? What is hidden underneath the surface of beauty? Waste in beauty. Wasted nature. Waste due to beauty. Beauty in the waste of our world. Beauty hides waste.